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Why invest in Private Credit

Diversification  | Kinea's Private Credit Funds seek to diversify their portfolios with quality credit assets, aiming to maximize returns while keeping risks under control.


Kinea's Private Credit Funds seek to diversify their portfolios with quality credit assets, aiming to maximize returns while keeping risks under control.

Professional Management  | Kinea's Private Credit Fund management team consists of dozens of experienced analysts organized into committees, who, along with the Fund Manager, actively monitor the market, evaluate assets fundamentally, and constantly monitor all fund assets.

Professional Management

Kinea's Private Credit Fund management team consists of dozens of experienced analysts organized into committees, who, along with the Fund Manager, actively monitor the market, evaluate assets fundamentally, and constantly monitor all fund assets.

Credit Quality  | Kinea's Private Credit Funds stand out for the high credit quality of their assets, which are carefully selected by a team of professionals.

Credit Quality

Kinea's Private Credit Funds stand out for the high credit quality of their assets, which are carefully selected by a team of professionals.

For Different Profiles  | Kinea's Private Credit Funds follow a capital allocation strategy based on structured quantitative and qualitative analyses, considering different variables.

For Different Profiles

Kinea's Private Credit Funds follow a capital allocation strategy based on structured quantitative and qualitative analyses, considering different variables.

What are Private Credit Funds?  | Kinea's Private Credit Funds aim to outperform the CDI benchmark by investing in private debt securities, both local and international. Through diligent processes and careful asset selection, the management team aims to build a portfolio that meets the risk and return requirements of the funds.

What are Private Credit Funds?

Kinea's Private Credit Funds aim to outperform the CDI benchmark by investing in private debt securities, both local and international. Through diligent processes and careful asset selection, the management team aims to build a portfolio that meets the risk and return requirements of the funds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the expected return of the Funds?

In the long term, the Funds aim to outperform the CDI benchmark in line with several risk profiles, from more conservative allocations to more aggressive ones.

Is the Fund's profitability net of expenses?

The profitability is net of Fund expenses such as management and custody fees, for example. However, it is not net of applicable taxes like income tax (IR).

What can the Fund invest in?

Private Credit Funds can invest in the interest rates, currencies, inflation, volatility, commodities, and equities markets.

What are the Fund's expenses?

The Fund's expenses focus on fees such as management fees, as well as expenses like legal custody etc.

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São Paulo

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